Everything SFWA does to uplift, advocate for, and defend writers of science fiction and fantasy is powered by members, volunteers, and supporters. There are so many great ways to support the work, but the products and services you see below are something special. When you buy a mug, a sticker, a shirt, a notebook, or any other fun swag boasting our logo or brilliant art in the genre, you aren’t just celebrating the organization: you’re contributing to its future.

So take a look around! The SFWA Shop is one of our methods of raising money for the Where the Need Is Greatest Fund. Every purchase helps us to raise SFWA’s advocacy to new heights.

Active SFWA member? Don’t forget to add services to your cart! Membership entitles you to submit stand-alone published work to our Featured Book Service and New Release Newsletter. You can also add yourself to our Featured Author Service, and follow up on your application to our NetGalley Program by purchasing your month after acceptance.

We’re currently updating the shop to bring you more options. We can’t thank you enough for your support of the organization, but we’ll try with future products and promotions. Check back soon!

For customer service questions, please email or visit our Refund/Exchange Policy page to report a damaged or defective item.

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